La Dolfina Great Oaks

Dillon Bacon makes his return bid for the Gold Cup having come close in 2020 in a tough Final against Next Generation. Kian Hall (3 goals) plays in the number 2 shirt with Bacon himself at 1. Diego Cavanagh (8 goals) is positioned at number 3 with 9-goaler Adolfo Cambiaso Jnr playing at Back.

Ferne Park

Jonathan Rothermere rides out for Ferne Park in the number 1 position, alongside Cristian Laprida (7 goals) in position 2 and 8-goaler David Stirling in the number 3 shirt. The team is completed by Joaquin Pittaluga (7 goals) playing at Back.

King Power

Aiyawatt ‘Top’ Srivaddhanaprabha returns with his King Power team, having won the title three times (2015, 2016 and 2018). They lost out to Dubai in extra time in the thrilling 2019 Final. Joining ‘Top’ this year is Will Harper (4 goals) in the number 2 shirt. The solid duo of 8-goaler Nico Pieres and Pablo […]

Black Bears

Following a return to the high goal polo circuit in 2023, Black Bears ride out with Guy Schwarzenbach in the number 1 position and Hazel Jackson (2 goals) at number 2. 8-goaler Gonzalito Pieres takes the number 3 shirt while the team is completed by legendary 10-goaler Facundo Pieres at Back.

Green Gates

Green Gates return to join the high goal competition, their second foray into the English 22 goal, but following their 2022 successes in the Victor Ludorum series 18 goal, there are high hopes for the team on familiar turf at Cowdray Park Polo Club. Noor Khadra plays in the number 1 position while Cesar Crespo (6 […]

Gaston Polo Team

Jean Paul Luksic enters his side, playing in the number 1 position. Riding out at number 2 is Ollie Cudmore (6 goals) alongside Cruz Heguy (7 goals) in the number 3 position. Completing the line-up is 9-goaler Juan Martin Nero playing at Back

White Crane

Alexie Calvert-Ansari rides out with White Crane in the number 1 position for this year’s tournament. 6-goaler Lucas Criado at number 2 joins Tomas Panelo (9 goals) at 3 and James Harper (7 goals) playing at Back.

Marques de Riscal

Alejandro Aznar makes a return appearance in the Cowdray Gold Cup. He is positioned at number 1 with 7-goaler Santiago Cernadas at number 2 and 9-goaler Guillermo ‘Sapo’ Caset and Chris Mackenzie (6 goals) playing in the number 3 and number 4 shirts respectively.

Dubai Polo Team

Rashid Albwardy enters his Dubai side, having won the coveted trophy against King Power in the 2019 Final and making it to the Final last year against UAE. Playing in the number 1 position is Camilo ‘Jeta’ Castagnola (9-goals) retained from the 2019 line-up, with Albwardy himself at 2 and Midhurst Town Cup MVP Beltran […]

Afternoon Tea

Date: 25th May 2024Time: 14:00 – 16:00Venue: The Clubhouse at AmbershamFollowing the traditional blend of savoury and sweet, enjoy a British classic afternoon tea at Ambersham, prepared by our Clubhouse Chef. Relax and enjoy a selection of finger sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and jam, an indulgent spread of patisserie and cake, alongside a choice of […]