The Final which took place at Lawns Polo Ground on Sunday 26th May.

Alana Horswell (-2) wore the number 1 shirt for Ausherra with Tom Swerling (0) at number 2, Boyd Allen (1) at 3 and James Mann (3) in the Back position. For SafeRock, Ollie Hancock (-1) was positioned at number 1, with Rufus Burrell Thompson (0) at 2, Duncan Hotston (1) at 3 and Harry Revell (2) at Back.

Taking the lead in the first minutes of the match was SafeRock with two successive goals from Harry Revell. Ausherra retaliated with goals from Boyd Allen and James Mann to level the score 2 apiece before Harry Revell managed to pull his team into the lead with his third goal of the chukka.

On fine form, Harry Revell didn’t let up the pace in the second chukka, scoring three more goals for SafeRock putting them firmly ahead with 6 goals to 2. Excellent defensive play from Ausherra and a lovely shot on goal from James Mann put the competition back into the match. A second goal for Mann in the second chukka allowed Ausherra to close the gap, with SafeRock still in the lead 6-4.

Following the half time break, both teams entered the field with renewed vigour and a closely fought third chukka resulted in only one goal each for Revell and Mann thanks to strong defence on both sides.

Going into the fourth and final chukka the scores stood at 7-5 to SafeRock. Determined not to let their lead slip, Duncan Hotston delivered their eighth and final goal of the match. Ausherra played good attack for the final minutes of the chukka, resulting in another goal for James Mann, but as the final whistle sounded, the win was delivered to SafeRock with the boards set at 8-6.

Prize giving took place at the Lawns Polo Ground with SafeRock receiving the Tillington Trophy from Alan Chalmers. The X-Zony rug for the Best Playing Pony was presented to Beatrice, played and owned by James Mann.

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