Cowdray Park Polo Club presented their inaugural immersive burlesque evening, Showtime on Friday 19th July to the backdrop of a summer sunset on Lawns polo ground. Hosted and produced by the divine Dawn Gracie, Showtime brought together celebrated artists Miss Jolie Papillon, the Gin House Burlesque, Demi-Noir and many more for one night only in Cowdray’s beautiful Lawns Enclosure to an audience of exquisitely dressed fans and delighted burlesque newcomers.

Celebrated entertainer and producer of vintage events Dawn Gracie sashayed onto the stage to start the night with her signature big hair and even bigger vocals. As she regaled the audience with a rendition of ‘Big Spender’, the Three Cockerels Bar flowed with Gusbourne Blanc de blancs and No.3 Gin.

The stage was set and with a DJ playing the music to which I grew up, such as Little and Cliff Richard, the Big Bopper and Buddy Holly all rang out loud and clear”, enthused long standing Club member, public speaker and writer Alan Chalmers. “Burlesque time arrived and on came a most beautiful performer who danced to the emotive music gradually disrobing behind fans until very little was left to this writer’s imagination and to the great delight of the crowd, the majority of which was female. Men were in short supply! More of the same followed as the night got longer, but all of high quality, good taste”

Bringing high glamour and quick wit, Dawn took guests on a journey into the world of burlesque with performances by renowned artists the Gin House Burlesque and Miss Jolie Papillon to name but a few.

I am delighted to have produced a jaw dropping evening of high-class entertainment for Cowdray Park Polo Club this year. I hand-picked the most exquisite performers for this spectacular event who have performed all around the world”, says host and producer Dawn Gracie.

Dressed to impress, the audience were tempted off of their comfortable sofas and onto the dance floor by DJ Jivin’ Jim Dandy with an eclectic mix of 60’s, 70’s and 80’s floor-fillers. Impressive swing and jive dancing intermingled with guests happily bopping around the dancefloor as the sun set over Cowdray Park.

It was a delightful evening, totally out of character for this marvellous polo club”, said Alan, “ a splendid initiative and it certainly reminded me of my time working in Paris and the occasional night out! More in 2025 please. “

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