Dubai Polo Team Win Cowdray Gold Cup 2024

As crowds soaked up the atmosphere on the sidelines of Cowdray Park’s prestigious Lawns polo grounds, Dubai returned from a narrow defeat in 2023 to claim the coveted Cowdray Gold Cup Trophy on Sunday 21st July in the Final of the British Open Polo Championship against La Dolfina Great Oaks.

Played in perfect weather, with the sun shining and light clouds in the sky, Dubai Captain Camilo ‘Jeta’ Castagnola clocked up an impressive eight goals – seven from the field – for Dubai’s 11-3 landslide victory. Eighteen teams competed for the coveted Gold Cup trophy, which Dubai had won five times previously but had missed out in the last two years coming in as runners up. In contrast, Rashid Albwardy’s Dubai could do nothing but score with Antonio Heguy and Rufino Laulhé playing strong supporting roles to Jeta’s star performance.

With both teams at the podium, the trophy was presented by Sophie Turner to a delighted Rashid Albwardy. Jeta Castagnola was awarded this year’s Cowdray Gold Cup MVP prize by Laura Rhys, Gusbourne Master Sommelier and Head of Wine. He was also the recipient of £1000 voucher and branded Yeti Cooler awarded by Michael Prince, USPA Global Licensing President and CEO, alongside Boo Jalil, Brand Machine CEO.

The Cowdray Gold Cup Best Playing Pony rug was awarded to ‘Alberta Gulfstream’ by the Hon. Mrs Lila Pearson, played by Camilo ‘Jeta’ Castagnola and owned by the Dubai Polo Team.

‘Dubai Chalita’ was named the Best Playing Patron Pony, played by Rashid Albwardy and owned by the Dubai Polo Team. The rug was presented by Liz Higgins on behalf of King Power.

The Robert Graham Umpires Trophy was presented by Vanessa Graham and Will Healey.

Loud cheers and jubilant shouts went up as Jeta held the trophy up, surrounded by his teammates Rashid Albwardy, Antonio Heguy and Beltran Laulhe. La Dolfina Great Oaks’ team was made up of Dillon Bacon, Kian Hall, Diego Cavanagh and Adoflo Cambiaso Jnr.

With a festival atmosphere at Cowdray, there was VIP hospitality in front line private pagodas as well as in the Lawns Enclosure. The rest of the sidelines were filled with families and friends enjoying picnics, with many arriving early to get the best spot to watch the final.

There was action off the pitch too with food stalls, bars and a fun fair for children as well as a busy shopping village. Competitions also took place on the day including the U.S. Polo Assn. Longest Shot and a Roda Polo Tournament 2024 which is polo played on e-wheels. The polo finalists played at 1.30pm on Lawns.

At half time, spectators descended onto the pitch which was transformed into a sea of colour as the famous divot stomping took place. No3 Gin ran a competition to find two keys dropped on Lawns with the winner awarded a prize and U.S. Polo Assn. dropped a £250 token on Lawns for the lucky winner to spend on apparel.

After the match there was a buzz on Lawns polo fields as spectators enjoyed early evening drinks in the sunshine in the bars with the Dubai team celebrating their success into the night.

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